Remembrance Day – The Grange School

Nuevamente tuvimos el honor de estar presentes este año en la conmemoración del Remembrance Day llevado a cabo el pasado viernes 08 de noviembre en el colegio The Grange.

Una ceremonia cargada de significado por cuanto 120 grangonians dejaron sus familias y la gran mayoría no regresó, dando de sí lo más preciado… la vida.

La sublime decisión de spirit of service por parte de estos Grangonians nos motivó a compartir las palabras que dirigió el Rector del Colegio, Mr. Rachid Benammar a los presentes:

For all the sound and fury across town, up and down the country, I am more grateful than ever to be standing here on this special day, with so many members of The Grange community.


When I was a child, scars of war were everywhere, you did not need reminding. There was the great-uncle gassed in WWI, there were the craters of WWII…  Today, thank Goodness, all here were born and have lived in peacetime. We therefore have a duty to teach you to remember, remembrance is now a duty and not a choice! We must remember, for if we do not, the sacrifice of those thousands will become meaningless. They died for us, for their homes, their families and friends; for traditions they cherished and a future they believed in. Our memory is their monument!  Wars touch the lives of people of all ages, all races, all classes.  Fathers, sons, daughters: they were killed in action, they were wounded, and thousands who returned were forced to live the rest of their lives with physical and mental scars. For those born during peacetime, all wars seem far removed from daily lives as we take for granted our values and institutions; our freedom to participate in cultural and political events; our right to live under a government of our choice.


The 120 or so Grangonians, who went off to war in distant lands, went in the belief that the values and beliefs enjoyed by civilized nations were under threat. By remembering their sacrifice today, we acknowledge the freedom these men and women fought to preserve. On Remembrance Day, we acknowledge our responsibility to work for the peace they fought hard to achieve.  By remembering those who served, we recognize their hardships and fears; their spirit of service, so that we could live in peace. Spirit of Service, that fourth pillar of our educational philosophy, spirit of service means carrying out your duties efficiently and with diligence. Disinterested service makes for great human beings and is an expression of gratitude. Our Old Grangonian performed the supreme sacrifice in a spirit of service, for our tomorrows. Service proceeds from an awareness of what one owes to society – family, school, human kind. Money rules the world, we know, but the real source of security and happiness for man comes from the other human beings.  Spirit of Service is the embodiment of the Devine in man!

At your age girls and boys, if you do nothing else to help, at least speak the truth and act righteously – that’s already service as: We want to form young people who will be useful to the country and are trustworthy!


Noticias FOGSS


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